PL Energy Services Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes. An ASHRAE II energy audit identifies all areas of energy consumption (natural gas, hydro and water) in a facility and compares energy input (purchased energy) to energy used for each area. The results clearly illustrate how much energy is being under-utilized or wasted, along with the cause(s).

PL uses the Energy Audit to establish a baseline for energy consumption (normal use), compares this baseline to similar facilities and identifies energy reduction opportunities. We then quantify these opportunities, showing the cost, savings, rebates and payback to create a 5 Year comprehensive energy management plan.

Energy reduction and conservation leads to lower operating costs, reduced maintenance fees and surpluses in your budget!

Once the rebate has been approved (in writing) from your LDC (Local Distribution Company for energy) then yes, it is guaranteed! You will receive the full amount of the rebate by cheque, paid to you from your LDC, once the energy savings project is complete. PL includes a guaranteed rebate as part of it’s commitment to you, the client.

To calculate the best payback, PL takes into account the current state of the facility, energy costs for the facility and which area(s) could be improved. As each facility is unique, paybacks are calculated for each facility separately and prioritized. Traditionally, projects such as Variable Frequency Drives, CO detectors and lighting have the best payback. As PL’s engineering team calculates savings, potential rebates and project costs are also calculated providing a prioritized list and strategy for energy reduction.

PL utilizes the ASHRAE Level II audit to provide complete answers to your energy consumption questions. Our engineering team will conduct a site inspection, looking at each piece of machinery and examining its efficiency, run patterns, controls and energy footprint. That information is compiled and compared with the energy invoices, from a baseline and actual consumption perspective, targeting areas of over/under consumption. Both are wasteful!

We then use the baseline to target area(s) for improvement and provide costing, savings and payback in a straightforward table, allowing facility managers/boards/owners to see the impact of energy saving measures for the next 5 years.

This work takes 7-10 working days to complete by our engineering team and is often funded in part through the SaveONEnergy program.

PL performs turn-key installations of rooftop units, HVAC, fans, motors, pumps, building automation systems, creating specifications and tender documents, HVAC retrofits, commissioning, lighting plans, domestic hot and cold water equipment. We offer complete engineered solutions for your energy savings needs for multi-residential, commercial and industrial properties.

We also offer Rebate calculation and submission services, Project Management, Thermal Imaging, Indoor Air Quality Testing, Reserve Fund/Financial Studies.

We have clients throughout Ontario, from Ottawa to Sarnia and throughout the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)